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Controlled Open Enrollment Process

To establish a controlled open enrollment process/lottery policy and application process that is
in accordance with federal and state nondiscrimination laws and the school's charter contract
with the School Board of Pasco County.

Application and lottery process is used for student enrollment to be in compliance with Federal
and State law for Charter Schools.

Controlled open enrollment period is through February 28th. Student lottery applications must be
submitted in order to be included in the lottery on an annual basis.


1. Student lottery applications are available on the school's website and in the
administrative office.

2. The open enrollment period will be advertised on the school's website and in the local
newspapers, along with the School capacity numbers.

3. Lottery applications are accepted through February 28th by 11:59 p.m. to be eligible for
the lottery for the following school year.

4. All lottery applications received during open enrollment period are included in the lottery.
Student names are drawn via a lottery (a random selection policy) for each grade level.
Students are placed on a waiting list in the order that they were drawn. The lottery is
conducted by the Director, District Charter School Representative and Business

5. The waiting list will be used to fill any openings that the School may have.

6. If a wait list application is submitted after the February 28th deadline, the applicant will be
added to the bottom of the list.

7. If the school does not have any openings, the applicants will remain on the waiting list in
the order that they were drawn. Applicants will remain on the waiting list for the current
school year only. The waiting list cannot roll over to the next school year. Students must
reapply for the following school year.

8. The applicants will receive a letter form the School notifying them that they are on the
waiting list.

9. Once an opening is available, applicants will be notified via e-mail and/or phone and
asked to complete the pre-enrollment application. The pre-enrollment application MUST
be returned within 48 hours. If not received in 48 hours, the School will offer the opening
to the next applicant on the waiting list. If the applicant declines the offer of enrollment,
the applicant will be removed from the waiting list.

10. The School will review each completed pre-enrollment application.

11. The school may request additional information to ensure all required services can be
provided by the School. A special committee, that includes a District employee, may be
required to review the information.

12. Upon review of the pre-enrollment application, the applicant will be notified via e-mail
and/or phone.

13. The Academy at the Farm is a part of the District School Board of Pasco County. Not all
Pasco County schools offer the same services. If the applicant requires services that are
not offered, the school district will assist the charter school, the student, and the family in
identifying the best placement for success.

14. In accordance with F.S. 1002.33(10), federal and state nondiscrimination laws, and the
School's charter contract with the School Board of Pasco County, preferential enrollment
may be given to the following student populations:

a. Students who have successfully completed, during the previous year, a voluntary
prekindergarten education program under ss. 1002.51 – 1002.79 provided by the
charter school, the charter school’s governing board, or a voluntary
prekindergarten, provided that it has a written agreement with the governing

b. Students who are the children of an employee of the charter school at the time
the student enters the Academy.

c. Students who are the children of a member of the governing board at the charter
school at the time the student enters the Academy.

d. Students who are siblings of a student enrolled in the charter school at the time
the student enters the Academy.

e. Student who are the children of an active-duty member of any branch of the
United States Armed Forces at the time the student enters the Academy.

15. Pursuant to this open enrollment process, the Academy at the Farm shall allow a parent
from any school district in the state whose child is not subject to a current expulsion or

suspension to enroll his or her child in and transport his or her child to any public school,
including charter schools, that has not reached capacity.

16. If the invited applicant has a sibling in another grade, an enrollment application must be
completed for the sibling within 48 hours. Once the enrollment application is reviewed
and it is determined that the school can meet the needs of the student, the sibling may
move to the top of the waiting list for their grade level. If there is not an opening in that
grade level, then the applicant's sibling would stay on the waiting list until the next
available opening at the applicant's and sibling's grade level.

17. If the applicant or the applicant's sibling receives preferential enrollment and
subsequently leaves the school, and then seeks re-enrollment, said re-enrollment shall
be at the sole discretion of the school's Director at the Academy at the Farm. The school
Director's decision may be appealed to the governing board of the Academy at the Farm,
Inc. in writing within thirty (30) days of said school Director's notification of the decision
of the student's re-enrollment application.

18. In January, a letter will be sent to all applicants that are on the current waiting list
requesting them to submit a new lottery application for the next school year lottery
drawing explaining that the deadline is February 28.

19. In the event, in any year, the number of students who qualify for preferential enrollment
as outlined herein exceed the number of available student slots, the Academy shall
conduct lotteries in the exact order of each preferential classification as outlined in
paragraph 14(A) - 14(E). Said sub-lotteries shall result in students being ranked for
potential invitation to attend the Academy at the Farm.

20. Students residing in the District may not be displaced by a student from another district
seeking enrollment under this controlled open enrollment process. Preferential treatment
shall be given to students residing in the Pasco County School District.

21. For purposes of continuity of educational choice, a student who is enrolled in an
out-of-district residence in any school year may remain until the student completes the
highest grade level at the Academy at the Farm.

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